Version 10.11.2017
The long lasting issue concerning the "dissapeared menus" which makes the Herr General website nearly unusuable, is finally fixed now !
A new "Panzer General Forever" section with some self-designed scenarios will soon come...
Version 20.06.2001
Herr General now including 2605 scenarios ( 767 single scenarios and 1838 scenarios linked in 98 campaigns), this were 671 additional scenarios in comparision to the last update
new features:
new logo
1 new AG campaign (Spanish General)
11 new AG scenarios (included in Jordi's AG Package)
2 new PaG campaigns (US Navy, USSR)
7 new PaG scenarios (Bismarck, Midway 2, Iwo Jima 3, Repulse, Seaview, Operation Husky, Doolittle Raid)
2 new PG scenarios (Drive to Stalingrad, Falklands 1982)
2 updated PG campaigns (French campaign V 2.0, Rommel the desertfox - now with new icons)
1 updated PG scenarios (Beirut 82 - now with new icons, flags etc.)
30 new PG 2 campaigns (( 1st Tank Guards Campaign, 2nd Guards Corps, 21.Panzerdivison, American Expeditionary Forces, Blitzkrieg-The 2nd Front, British Campaign 2, British Western Desert & Italy Campaign V 2.1, DAK Campaign, Endsieg, Finnish Campaign, German Blitzkrieg, German Success, Greater Europe, Guderian's Gamble, Hasso in Lorraine, Hungarian Campaign, Japanese Campaign, Pacific War Campaign, Red Menace WW3, Road to Berlin, Russian Revenge, Soviet Stalingrad, Stalingrad Campaign, Alex Nevsky Campaign, US Invasion Campaign, US North Africa Campaign, US Extended Campaign, Vive la France Campaign, Volkssturm Campaign, World War III Campaign )
30 new PG 2 scenarios (Caen Entrapment, D-Day, Murmansk, Lillehammer, Northwind 2, Remagen, Staraya Russia, Operation Stormland, Mlawa, Operation Invincible, Advance on Caucasus, Assault on Moscow, Battle for Stalingrad, Desperate Days, Dieppe Raid Counterattack, Iceland, Magnuszwe Bridgehead, Operation Compass 2, Operation Market-Garden, Retreat to Tannenberg, Sea Battle, The last redoubt, Winter Tempest, Osel Landings, Osel 2, Road to Minsk, Pocket of Korsun, Stalingrad - The Assault, Stalingrad - Rattenkrieg, Stalingrad - The End)
9 updated PG 2 campaigns (7.Panzerarmee, Axis at War - replaces the Germany at War campaign, Balance of Power, Eastfront II Version 2.0, Free French, Lumberjack Regiment, Special Breakthrough campaign, Operation Barbarossa, US Pacific campaign)
2 updated PG 2 scenarios (Ariete Breakthrough V 2.0, Ebro 38 V 2.0)
2 new PaG Tools (Snow Patch, PG Maps-B)
1 updated PaG Tool (New Equipment File V 2.85 of S.Strayer)
13 new PG 3D Tools (German Briefings, EricUp WW1, New Equipment File V 2.25 of M.Adler, New Equipment File WW1 of E.Meng, New Equipment File V 1.0 of J.Gabitto, New Equipment File V 1.0 WW3 of K.Karatzas, Kampagnen Editor V 0.2 of S. Ferrari, Cheat Checker V 0.27 of L.Jensen Equipment Editor beta1 of H. Özcelik, Ausrüstungs- Report Creator 1.69 of D. Bird, Map Namer 1.0 of L.Jensen, PeG Map Converter 1.0 of (L.Jensen, Sound Converter 1.0 of L.Jensen)
7 updated PG 3D Tools (New Equipment File R1 of O.Venturoso, New Equipment File R2 of O.Venturoso, New Equipment File Pacific V 2.2 of W.Dickens, Scenario Extra Editor V 1.23 of L.Jensen, Kampagnen Editor V 1.41 of L.Jensen, PBEM Editor V 1.01 of L.Jensen, Graphic Updater of L.Jensen)
71 new maps for PG 2 (Agheila, Ardennes 3, Arras, Attu 2, Bataan 2, Bataan 3, Belgrade, Belomorsk, Biak, Bunagona 2, Burma-North, Casablanca, Cassino 2, Corigador, Corsica, Darwin, Dieppe, Dover, Dukhla, Dutch Harbor, El Arish, Elba, El Guetar, England, Espiritu, Fiji, Finsch Harbor, Fondouk, Gazala, Golan, Gran Sasso, Guadalcanal 2, Hana, Holandia, Hongkong, Imphal, Istra, Iwo Jima 7, Jerusalem 67, Jungle, Kiew, Korsun, Kufra, Lae, La Matz, Laon, Lingayen, Lingayen 2, London, Luzon, Madang, Manila, Marsa Matruh, Marshall Islands, Milne Bay, Mogilev, Moresby, Narva, New Georgia, Nice, Nomomhan, Odessa, Panama Canal, Pelelieu, Ponyri, Shussel, Southengland 2, Tarakan, Toulon, Verdun, Vistula)
new and corrected links
Version 09.02.2001
Herr General now with optimized graphical elements
new "Panzer General Scorched Earth" section
the SERVICE section is enlarged by an "Version Overview" for PG
the "Scenario Design for PG" package in the SERVICE section was improved
a lot of new scenarios and maps will follow soon....:)
Version 22.10.2000
Herr General now with 1934 scenarios, ( 716 single scenarios and 1218 scenarios linked in 38 campaigns)
the website is celebrating it's third anniversary and for this reason we're going to present new features:
extra page for PG 2 custom maps
optimized TOOL page
56 new AG scenarios (Aachen, Cassino, Icering, Komary, Kursk, Narvik, Piave di Cadore, Sevastopol 44, Stalingrad 42, Veritable, Jordi's-46-scenario-pack)
1 updated AG scenario (Ethiopia)
1 updated PacGen campaign (Z-Plan)
6 new PeoGen scenarios (Berlin, Bundeswehr, Kosovo, Murmansk, Neuseeland, Peking)
5 new PG campaigns (Eastfront, Fortress Europe, Kaiser General, Podhorsky campaign, Wolf's campaign)
21 new PG scenarios (Aachen, Äthiopien, Cassino, Diversion 44, El Ahgeila, Halfaya Pass, Icering, Kursk, Leningrad 44, Monte Cassino, Narvik 2, Nikopolis, Norway, Operation Ring, Rhine, Sevastopol 2, Stalingrad 42, Stop the Wehrmacht, Tank Divisions, Volchow, Zitadelle)
4 updated PG campaigns and scenarios (New Campaign 1939 V 6.2, Pro Campaign 1939, Russian Campaign, Ethiopia)
21 new PG 2 campaigns (Army Group Center, Balance of Power, Defend Berlin, Divizione Azul, Germany at War, German World, Green Devils, German Wüstenkorps, German Wüstenkorps 2, Hitler's Last Bastion, Lumberjack Regiment, Red Menace, Reich Defense, Romania, Romania 2, Romanian Struggle, Spanish Civil War 2, Special Breakthrough, US Pacific, Winter War, World War II)
137 new PG 2 scenarios (Arnhem, Attu, Bear the Mauls, Berlin 45, Cassino 47, Crete 43, Indochina, Invasion of Norway, Kasserine Pass, Maleme 41, Maleme 46, Messina 48, Okinawa, Sealion 45, Sevastopol 3, Sicily 2, Suez Canal, Suppression, Tula 48, Washington 50, The Last Charge, Altdorf, Battle of the Bulge 2, Charge the Chasseurs, Cherkassy Breakout, Clogged Roads, Il Duces Finest, Ebro 38, Elsenborn Ridge, Fall Grün, Hold the Bridge, Invade Crete, Le Buisson, Lipsky, Michael Whittmann, Red Avalanche, Relieve Shanghai, Rescue Mussolini, Stracin, Taipale, Unlucky at Arnhem, Wales, 95 Szenarien Paket von Bruce Walker)
7 updated PG 2 campaigns und scenarios (British Western Desert, The Legions of the Duce, Armageddon, Gazalla to Tobruk, Nish, Paulus Doom)
9 new PG 2 Tools (Graphic Updater, Pacific Graphic Patch, Sound Expansion Kit, New Equipment File 1.0 of L.Jensen, New Equipment File "Pacific" 1.1 of W.Dickens, New Equipment File "Range 2" of O.Venturoso, New Equipment File WWI 1.1 of A.Seidel, New Equipment File WWII 4.02 of A.Seidel, New Equipment File WWIII 1.2 of A.Seidel)
6 updated PG 2 / PG / PacGen / PeoGen tools (PG2 Installation Guide, PG scenario Design Tips, PacGen New Equipment File 2.61of S.Strayer, PeoGen World War II Converter, PG 2 Scenario Extra Editor 1.16, PG2 New Equipment File of O.Venturoso)
98 new & updated custom maps for PG 2 (Alexandria, Algier, Almaty, Amiens, Ardennes 2, Ardennes, Arnhem, Astrakhan, Attu, Attu 2, Bangkok, Bastogne, Bataan, Benghazi, Bona, Cairo, Cape Bon, Cassino, Catania, Chirval, Corsica, Crete, Crete 2, Derna, Eagle, Ekaterinburg, Gilbert Islands, Gothic, Gualdacanal, Guam, Guam R, Hanoi, Irkutsk, Iwo, Iwo Jima, Kasserine, Kazan, Kazan SNW, Khabarow, Kharkov, Kitilae, Konigsberg, Korinth, Kreta, Kreta 2, Leros, Litovsk, Maikop, Makanassy, Maleme, Malta West, Medenine, Messina, Midway, Moscow, Mozhai, Myschkov, Narvik, N Mariana, Oahu, Ocean, Okinawa, Oran, Osel, Peenemunde, Penang, Port Said, Povenec, Pusan, Rabaul, Remagen, Rostov, Ruhr, Saigon, Saipan, Sakhalin, Sealion, Seoul, Sevastopol, Singapore 2, Sotalava, South England, Stalag, Suez, Suorjarvi, Taejon, Taipeh, Tarawa, Tarawa 2, Tripoli, Tula, Tunis, Ulan Ude, Vladivostok, Volga, Volgogrod, Wake Island, Washington)
1 new link
the newsticker had been removes (really not topical enough :))
Version 10.03.2000
Herr General now with 1157 scenarios, ( 494 single scenarios and 663 scenarios linked in 38 campaigns)
new features:
optimized scenario and campaign presentation
new PG 2 campaign (USA)
2 updated PG 2 campaigns (Legions of the Duce, 7.Panzerarmee)
new PG campaign (Rommel, the desertfox)
5 new PG scenarios (Berlin 46, Demjansk, Midway 3, Okinawa, Scipios Kin)
27 new PG 2 scenarios (Over the Brahe, Battle on the Bzura, Eben Emael, Battle with Flavion, The pocket of Minsk, Attack on Montcornet, Sejeskari, Blood bath, Omaha Beach, Ruhrgebiet, Buchach, Plovdiv, Operation Red, Assault on Monte Cassino, Besiege of Madrid, Few returned, Naval Battle, Nish, Redoubt, Sardinian Landings, Stalingrad 4, The cossacks are coming, The puma prowls, The slovak mobile division, Totensonntag, Western Ukraine, Compass Sandstorm)
2 updated tools (PG 2 Equipment file of O.Venturoso, PG 2 Upgrade Kit of A.Seidel)
4 new maps for PG 2 (Don River, Gela, Gibraltar 2, Sicily)
1 new link
Version 08.02.2000
new PG 2 campaign (The Legions of the Duce)
updated PG tool (Brass Polish editor to V 3.0)
the webpages were partially equiped with background sound
Version 28.01.2000
two updated PG campaigns (Pro, PG "Real")
1 new link
Version 19.01.2000
new Panzer General 3D "Assault" section
new section especially for Panzer General 2 scenarios with new designed maps
increased Service section with support for Panzer General 3D "Assault"
48 new scenarios for Panzer General (DOS), Allied General, Pacific General, Panzer General 2 and the brand-new Panzer General 3D "Assault"
3 new campaigns for Panzer General (DOS) with in total114 scenarios
5 new campaigns for Panzer General 2 with in total 58 scenarios
5 new resp. updated tools for Panzer General 2
2 new links
Version 15.11.1999
updated PG scenario (Dyle)
new PG2 scenario (SS Panzer Korps)
Version 12.10.1999
updated PG2 campaign (Eastfront campaign to V 2.3)
Version 11.10.1999 +++ Complete reshaping & increased offers +++
complete new page design (now with frames)
brand-new, extensive Service section
all files move to a more powerfull server
842 scenarios (incl. the 27 campaigns) !!!
50 tools & new equipment files
53 links to related sites
online database containing 395 single scenarios
Installationguide for scenarios & campaigns
all current updates for the games
scenario design articles
Version 5.7c (May 1999)
updated PacGen tool (New Equipment File of S.Strayer to V 2.1)
Version 5.7b (May 1999)
updated PacGen tool (New Equipment File" of S.Strayer to V 2.0)
Version 5.7a (May 1999)
2 updated PeoGen scenarios (Tirana, Beograd)
Version 5.7 (May 1999)
6 new PG scenarios (Arnhem, Falaise, Malaysia, Poland in PG2 look, Sevastopol, Tobruk)
5 updated PG scenarios (Azores, Iceland, Spain 40, Spain Spring 43, Spain Winter 43)
4 new AG scenarios (Arnhem, Falaise, Malaysia, Sevastopol)
5 updated AG scenarios (Azores, Iceland, Spain 40, Spain Spring 43, Spain Winter 43)
7 new PacGen scenarios (France, France 2, Low Countries, Poland 39-2, Sweden, Warsaw, Sea Lion 1940)
1 new PacGen campaign (Italy with 10 scenarios)
1 new PG 2 campaign (East Front with 19 scenarios)
2 new PeoGen scenarios (Tirana, Beograd - written by myself )
Version 5.6 (April 1999)
8 new PG scenarios (Dogger Bank, Kurland, Lwow, Masuria, Poland 39 (2),Sarik, Suez, Westerplatte)
7 new AG scenarios (Dogger Bank, Kurland, Lwow, Masuria, Sarik, Suez, Westerplatte)
4 new PacGen scenarios (Oceanic, Naval Scenario Package)
1 new PacGen campaign (Indian Ocean; 4 scenarios - written by myself )
1 new PG 2 scenario (Advance on Kursk)
1 new PG 2 campaign (Spanish Civil War; 6 scenarios)
6 new PeoGen scenarios (Chaka Bejjing, Repulse at Saigon, Retaking Singapore, Asian Korean Battle, Penang 1 to 1, Taipeh-King of the hills)
2 new PG 2 tools (Panzer General Editor 0.06 and Map Converter XWG to PG; both F.Chlanda)
updated and enlarged link section
Version 5.5b (March 1999)
updated PacGen scenario (Dutch East India - the big amount of the prestige that the Axis player gains is now corrected by realistic values)
Version 5.5a (Februar 1999)
updated PacGen scenario (Dutch East India - the scenario often crashes; the bug is fixed now)
Version 5.5 (January 1999)
6 new PG scenarios (Azores, Baku Oil, Denmark, Falkland, Greek Islands, Russia 41)
updated PG campaign (now: V 6.0)
3 new AG scenarios (Azores, Baku Oil, Falkland)
3 updated PG & AG scenarios (Iceland, Spain Winter 43, Dieppe)
3 new PacGen scenarios (Westerplatte, Dutch East India, Guadalcanal Naval)
1 new PG 2 scenario (Gruppo Mobile)
6 new PeoGen scenarios (Bangkok, Crimson, Elite, Eurofree Taipeh, Ho-Chi-Min, World War III)
updated tools & equipment files (SHP Editor now V 0.48g, new PacGen EQP file of R.Schroder)
Version 5.4 (December 1998)
"What's new?" and "What comes?" section now available in german
5 new scenarios for Panzer General II
minor optical corrections
Version 5.3 (December 1998)
Herr General now available in english & german language
Version 5.2 (December 1998)
new cooperation with "Der Grenadier", the famous german wargame site
Version 5.1b (November 1998) +++ Own domain: +++
data transfer to the "new harbor":
changing eMail adress to:
Version 5.1a (November 1998)
minor optical corrections
updated PG 2 tool (Installation Guide)
Version 5.1 (November 1998)
new optimized design (in black)
25 self-made custom scenarios for PG, AG and PacG en
338 custom scenarios of other authors for PG, AG, PacGen, PG II and PeoGen
41 tools and optimized equipment files
31 links
Version 5.0c (November 1998)
new PG tool (Installation Guide with debugged "panzer.exe" file)
Version 5.0b (September 1998)
3 new PG scenarios
Version 5.0a (September 1998)
2 new PG scenarios
2 new AG scenarios
Version 5.0 (August 1998) +++ Anniversary - 1 year Herr General +++
complete new design
23 self-made custom scenarios for PG, AG and PacGen
302 custom scenarios of other authors for PG, AG, PacGen and PG II
31 tools and optimized equipment files
30 links
Version 4.3 (May 1998)
new PG tool (Panzer General ScenStat Editor)
9 new or updated Pacific General scenarios
Version 4.2 (May 1998)
updated PG tool (SHP Editor to V 0.47)
27 new Panzer General 2 scenarios
Version 4.1a (May 1998)
updated PacGen scenarios (Bir Hacheim, Zeeland)
Version 4.1 (May 1998)
new PG/AG scenario (Albania)
updated PG tool (Installation Guide)
new PacGen page with 3 custom-made scenarios & an updated campaign (Diversion '45)
Version 4.0c (April 1998)
update of the Link section
update of the Family Homepage
corrected english grammar
updated "What's up section ("Zeeland 1944" PacGen scenario will come soon)
Version 4.0b (April 1998)
updated PG tool (Equipment Editor of D.Smid to V 2.2)
Version 4.0a (April 1998)
updated PacGen tool (Equipment file of S.Strayer to V 1.4)
updated PG 2 tool (Equipment file of S.Strayer to V 1.4)
Version 4.0 (April 1998)
new optimized design
"What's new?" and "What comes?" info
8 self-made custom scenarios in PG and AG format
150 custom scenarios of other authors for PG, AG, PacGen and PG II (many scenarios overworked & debugged)
21 tools and optimized equipment files integrated a new designed page
29 links integrated a new designed page
updated sub "Family Homepage"
Version 3.1 (Januar 1998)
optical corrections
2 additional PG and AG custom scenarios
Version 3.0 (Dezember 1997)
installation of a big PacGen and PG II section instead of the picture-packs
optimized design
6 self-made custom scenarios for AG and PG
70 custom scenarios of other authors for PG, AG, PacGen and PG II
9 tools and optimized equipment files
21 links
updated sub "Family Homepage"
Version 2.0 (August 1997)
change name to Herr General
complete new design with 7 subpages & visitors counter
5 self-made custom scenarios for AG and PG
20 custom scenarios of other authors for PG, AG and PacGen
3 tools
picture-packs for 5 custom scenarios
18 links to other wargame/5star series sites
new sub "Family Homepage"
Version 1.0 (Juli 1997)
start of the website as "Dirk Cremer's Allied General Homepage" featuring:
5 self-made custom scenarios for Allied General
2 links
a sub "Family Homepage"
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